
What is commander-mvc?

Commander-mvc is a wrapper around the popular commandline argument parser and action dispactcher, commander.js. It allows you to develop elegant user interfaces using an out-of-the-box model-view-controller architecture.


Testability and circular imports are the two biggest motivators for designing commander-mvc. Commander-mvc comes out of the box with a power dependency injection framework in awilix. This alone makes testing individual components much easier and reduces the tendency to import everything every which way winding up with spaghetti code. The MVC architecture naturally evolved as a way to shield the developer from the difficult-to-test aspect of commander.js.

When should you use it?

You should use commander-mvc when you want to build a large, complex CLI application. One with multiple sub-commands and tons of options. Commander-mvc supercharges your application with dependency injection and offers a way to breakdown the definition of your CLI into smaller, more easily testable pieces.


  • MVC architecture
  • Dependency injection with singleton and transient lifetimes
  • Use exception filtering to keep exception messages you want to display out of your application logic
  • Ability to easily create a rich, testable, modular CLI
  • Written in TypeScript, so need to install separate type definitions.
  • Features provided by commander.js such as
    • Automated help text
    • Several argument/option types
    • Custom option validation/parsing
    • and more…


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