
Contributions are welcome! This might mean generating issues, contributing to feature discussions, fixing up confusing documentation, and more. Your help would be greatly appreciated!

New Features

Check the issues to see if there are any feature requests you’d like to start a pull request for. If there isn’t already an issue, feel free to make one to propose the feature.


If you find any bugs, don’t hesitate to create an issue for it. Be sure to check to make sure no one has already reported it.


Clone the repository:

$ git clone

Build and test with the following commands:

# build
$ npm run build

# test
$ npm run test


The documentation is built in the docs directory. Sphinx is used to build the documentation.

# install dependencies for building docs
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

# build
$ make -C docs html

# live reload at localhost:8000
$ make -C docs livehtml

If you find any typos in the documentation or find that the documentation is confusing, please feel free to create an issue or submit a pull request directly.


This project uses angular style commit messages in order to calculate next version when deploying as well as to generate release notes. Use npm run commit in order to help structure your commit according to these conventions.